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Break Your Old Patterns

Bring more aliveness to your everyday


Let's Talk About You

Ever feel like you have settled in a little too comfortably to a life that's not quite what you want for yourself or those you care about? Do you find yourself longing for more ease, peace, freedom, or excitement and fun? Are you wondering how you got here? Why your work isn't rewarding? Where your joy went? Why you keep falling into the same patterns in relationships? Are you wanting a change, but not even sure what that might look like? We can help you discover your unique answers.

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How We Help

We set up the lab. You conduct the experiments.

Together, we try on skills and behaviors for living a full, audacious life! Come experiment with us and see what you uncover.

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Alesia Stevenson

"I attended Come Alive to You and was very engaged by the interactive design of the experience.. Anna and Micha were wonderful and created unique activities that were fun and supported our learning. My biggest take away was that in setting aside our "masks" and allowing others to see more of our authentic selves we can create more meaningful connections. "


Edith Upchurch

"Anna is very passionate about encouraging people to try looking at situations from a different perspective. The format gave me the confidence to play with having different responses than I would normally have in a situation.  It was a safe environment for me to play with different ways that I can present myself, as opposed to walking around in the same frame of mind all the time due to habit and comfort. By playing with behaviors that are different from what we normally do I learned that I can look at things in a new way during my regular every day life."



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